Just a note before I explain how to play it: This is fucking fast, slap like you've never slaped before Whole song slaped Begining G---------------------------- This is played along side with the guitar D---------------------------- When the guitar plays you play A---------------------------- It might vary a bit but this is it more E--3--0-0-0-------0-0--0 or less for the intro (Bitch Part) G-------------------------------------------------- D--------------2--2-------------2--2------------- This is slapped like a bitch A--------------------------------------------------- It's the best I could get it E--3-2-0-00-00---3-2-0-00-00---3-2-0--- But if you do some variations with it you'll have it (at least something like it) Next (Middle) G--------------------------- D--------------------------- Listen and you'll get it down easy A--------------------------- E--0-0-0---0-0-0-3-3-3 That's it, just listen so you know when to play what