each dot/note is a 16th note New notation: a "+" means a half step above the last note, to make sharps/flats fit easier. When playing, use the pitch bend if you have one...improvise. This isn't a straight note-after-note affair. What I have written here isn't 100% representative of the "correct" way to play. Pre-verse keyboard part: g#g# g#g# g#g g g g g g efef e.ef e.e. e.e. e.e. e.e. e.e. e... --------------------------------------- g#g# g#g# g#g g g g efef e.ef e.e. e.e. e.e. e.e. e... .... --------------------------------------- g#g# g#a. b.a. g#g. g+gf g... <-the "+" means g# efef e.ef e.e. e... .... .... .... .... --------------------------------------- g#g# g#g# g#g g g g g efef e.ef e.e. e.e. e.e. e.e. e.e. .... --------------------------------------- Between Verse 1 repeats: Play lines 1 and 2 of the above. After 1st chorus: Play lines 1 and 2 of the above. After 2nd chorus: Play lines 1 and 2 of the above. "Solo" -- this is pretty correct. I took a lot of time. efef e.f. g... .... g.g# ..f. ..gf e... --------------------------------------- efef e.f. g... .... g.g# b... C.bC bCbC --------------------------------------- bCbC D.D. D.** D.D. D+DC DCDC bCbC a... *: 16th triplet notes: C D C --------------------------------------- baba bag# .... ..*f e^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ *: a g#, as a 16th note, it won't fit :) ^: Bend up a *whole* bunch, go up 3/4 octaves or so. ---------------------------------------