Figure 1 - opening chords; play twice E----------- B----------- G----------- D-5-5-----2- A-5-5-x-x-2- E-3-3-x-x-0- (just bass, drums, vocals) "This is getting old and so are you..." Figure 1 begins after at "..will run through your fingers just like sand.."(play once) "Enjoy it while you can..." Figure 2 - (I think this is it...I guess...I'm too lazy to figure it out for real, but more or less) E--------------------------------- B--------------------------------- G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0h2-0-0-0-- repeat twice D--------------------------------- A--------------------------------- E--------------------------------- Figure 1 again; twice CHORUS: (Only the chords...there's three; each chord is only tabbed once so figure out the rhythm alone) E-0---------0----------0- B-0---------0----------0- G-8---------6----------4- D-9---------7----------5- A-9---------7----------5- E-7---------5----------3- (play the bottom open strings frequently alone; you can hear it on the recording) Figure 3 (let ring) E----------- B----------- G-----0----0 D---2----2-- A-2--------- E----------- (just vocals and keyboards) Figure 2 again... Figure 1 again... Chorus again..... Figure 1 a few times... Figure 3 over and over until fade...