Keyboard Tab: "Collision"

Transcribed by: The Lord Leto II (

"Collision" -- no keyboard

"My Mission" -- play a high C, with high modulation, or pitch

                bend down a semitone and back up to 0.  soft.

                hold 16 beats.

lower-case notes are on lower octaves.

UPPER-CASE notes are on upper octaves.

"Main go"

Hold a low d through all of this, add an f with the C if you like

(I'm not exactly sure what gets played where at what volume,

just make a nice sound :) ).

  g  (hold for 10 beats) soft   "when the

  g# (hold for 10 beats)         dawn breaks

  b  (hold for 10 beats)         with a

  C  (hold for 10 beats)         handshake

  g  (hold for 10 beats) loud    relaxed and

  g# (hold for 10 beats)         feeling great"

  Note:  Hold the C while you play the last g and g# (for a total

         of 30 beats).  The g and g# should be louder.

No keyboard:

Screeching head on...

I'm needing a head on...

Play the "Main go" again.

No keyboard:

Screeching head on...

I'm needing a head on...

"Collision"  Play the C as with "my mission" at the start. louder.

"My mission" C again.

A little guitar part before the bass starts...

Wait 40 measures while the bass and the samples go.

Now play the "main go" again.  Let it fade.

Now play the wavering C four times for the final chorus.  loud.

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